Staying with the level of sensation
The capacity to stay with the level of sensation makes for more alive, connected, and engaging expression, and it allows for a deeper listening of others.
By being present to your body and experience at the level of sensation, you are connected to more subtle and causal parts of being. Subtle awareness is being aware of the more energetic parts of yourself. For example: Emotions and the movement of thoughts and sensations.
Causal awareness is even more subtle awareness of time and space, emptiness, and awareness itself. This awareness goes beyond ego/self-identification.
Being at the level of sensation gives you more information and energy to communicate your expression precisely. At this level, you will also be receiving more information from the others in the room at a subtle level, which will aid your communication.
This principle goes further than communication of ideas and feelings; it can enable a transmission to happen. Transmission means giving/opening a space for the other to experience a higher form of awareness. This comes from an embodiment of presence while being in deep connection.
The more able you are to stay with the level of sensation, the more the awareness can come through you. This can bring more depth, love, and trust, for others to then feel an expansion of their own awareness.
Transmission is important in the way we see Circling, it transforms it from authentic relating into a spiritual practice.
This is an integral move, however, authentic relating is included and a necessary gateway to bring more depth to the connection. Importantly, you cannot make transmission happen, but by being present and surrendering in the connection it becomes possible.