Breathwork, Sound & Dance
“THANK YOU for the fantastic workshop in Copenhagen last Tuesday! It turned out to be a very deep purge and I have gained a calmness in the nervous system afterwards, which I have not felt for a very long time.”
“From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for a beautiful, beautiful evening with Breathwork and Sound Healing.
It was a beautiful journey that went deep into the body's vibrations and energy field with each breath and opened up in the most beautiful way 🙏
I had been looking forward to the sound healing enormously and it was more magical than ever before. Every singing bowl felt like it was played just for me and for me, every instrument filled the room with its energy and sound.”
“Thank you for yesterday ~ I had a profound and very beautiful journey ~ super powerful ~ and I have never taken in Andreas’ music before like I did yesterday. You two just get better and better. My higher self, the one with infinite love, pressed my chest and gave me the strength/courage/joy to walk into love rather than collapse. She told me that nothing can touch me because my love is so infinite. That even though I feel like I'm weakening right now, I'm getting stronger and that I have the capacity to love everything. Really everything, if I really want to. Yesterday was important. Thanks <3
“Andreas has a wonderful ability to hold a space where I could feel completely safe and could begin to observe the layers of fear in myself that arrive in the presence of another. It's Such a gift to be able to observe these parts of myself infront of someone else, with no judgement, just pure awareness. It's a powerful practice, and a reminder that we are stronger together, especially when we are fully occupying our presence. The boundary between self and other slowly dissolves and even just the taste of that is incredible. Thank you Andreas for the very important work you are doing in this world!”
Meditation immersions
“I don't even know where to begin. There is so much to say about this retreat. I'm still integrating all the insights. You and Andreas are the purest and most loving people l've ever met. The way you hold space is beyond anything I have ever experienced. It was as if you knew exactly what I was going through at each given moment. I have never felt this seen or loved. My heart is cracked open. What made this weekend even more amazing, was the advice I got from you during our talk before the second ceremony. That half hour feels like it changed my life. Your advice and wisdom has made me take action on so many things this week. I have no idea how to thank you and Andreas. I am grateful beyond anything
else and I can't wait to see you two again!”
“Thank you so much for this past weekend. My life feels changed in so many ways, and I have little words to explain this. It is a bit challenging to come out into the "real" world again, but I carry so much love in my
heart, that it is almost exploding with just joy. You and Andreas are so pure and loving, and I feel so blessed from this experience. The soundhealing you created still brings tears to my eyes. I just wanted to stay with you forever. Thank you!”
“Hi Shikoba and Andreas. I want to extend my deepest blessings and gratitude for the space you hold and the work you're willing to continue to return to and gift the world. Having the privilege to meet and greet the layers of my being is a lifelong gift.. the integration is so precious and already I am asked to continue the work in the day to day challenges of relating and mundane. It is humbling but returning to the prayer and my womb is so much more accessible after our work.
Shikoba you were the great cosmic mother incarnate.. what you're able to open to and channel is next level Jedi witchcraft.. I am touched and healed and blown wide open to have been in the presence of such
divine love. Thank YOU.
Embracing your beings in light.”