Mother of Air
- Medicine of Air
Breathwork Facilitator Training III
- a Path of Focus, Intention & Devotion
Testimonial from Lauren, previous participant
“The Breathwork Facilitator Training was absolutely life changing. What I learned in this training was SO much more than I ever anticipated. Shikoba has an incredible ability to hold a space of such high love, pure intention, and genuinity. Shikoba is an incredibly special angel on this Earth, and so too is Andreas. The two of them together are a power team.It is a unique and rare gift that Shikoba and Andreas bring together. They care about the deeper layers of energy, and of why this work is important on a global and cosmic scale. It’s so so much more than about the “I” and even the ‘us’. It is the bigger picture of stepping up to do this work for Mama Earth to evolve, for us to collectively as a species re-align deeply to our center, our heart, and the pulse of creation within us. And this is a rare quality to find in facilitators,trainings, workshops, etc. So, deep gratitude for lighting up that torch and showing the way of leading truly from the heart. I feel so incredibly grateful to have had this opportunity.”
Dear friend
Welcome to our Wayramama Universe. This is the 3rd time that we offer our Breathwork Facilitator Training and we are honored that your Soul felt a resonance and that you are here, Now, reading these words.
If possible, I highly recommend that you make yourself a nice cup of tea, before reading further.
Hearing The Calling
We, you, I, the world, are living through immensely transformational winds of change.
The Spirit of AIR breathing us into a new horizon and an even deeper authentic expression, revitalized lifeforce, and refined, crystal-clear purpose.
All of which led to the cancellation of the original Breathwork Facilitator Training - and the birth of this new templ(e)ate.
The invitation to which you are reading now.
Most of us are feeling a deep inner calling that is inviting us deeper unto our individual soul-path & purpose with evermore crystallized focus, intention, devotion, clarity, clearer boundaries, firmness – stepping even deeper into self-authority and into a more authentic expression. The time has come for deeper repair, replenishment and renewal to align with the changes arriving.
I will be your teacher - if you will be mine
I see your Heart, Soul and life-story as an instrumental part of this Grand Orchestra of Life. I would never ask a Violin to play like a Drum, which is why there is no desire to “teach” you how to be in relation with the Air - nor could I teach you how you are to express yourself as a facilitator of Breathwork. My truth might not be your truth. Instead I wish to create a space for your unique channel and connection to open further and wider, so that your unique soul-expression becomes evermore resonant and clear - in service to you and everything around you.
What I can do, is invite you into the Universe of my Intention:
I will offer all my knowledge and embodiment from having offered Breathwork and other transformational practices over the past 7 years. There are many who believe that Breathwork is an “easy” modality to offer. More and more people offer it without any sort of training. Even though their intention might be from a good place, this is incredibly problematic, as more and more people also experience getting re-traumatized by being in the hands of people who have no training nor experience.
We will offer a Breathwork Teacher Training Manual with over 100 pages of knowledge, science and inspiration. We will have practical hands-on guidance and exercises that will support you in becoming deeply intimate with the medicine of AIR.
Most importantly, we will guide you deeper into your unique soul-qualities, which is the very key to weaving your unique energy and personal energy into creating authentic spaces that becomes far more transformational than imagined possible. This is where you will also find the deepest sense of fulfilment on this path - by living your true soul-expression.
If you are reading these words, then the element of Air is perhaps your next grand Ally. It is absolutely no coincidence that the word for Breath and Spirit is the same in multiple languages - which you will feel in this Facilitator Training.
All of the Elements have played a vital part in my journey, yet, it is the Element of Air that has nudged me into the core of my being. It opened me up to the realm of the Invisible… to Spirit, to Soul - and into the Heart of being in Devoted Service for the greater good of self & All. It taught me to listen to that which is my highest teacher.
I do not know what brought you into this particular Wayramama - Mother of Air - Universe, and to reading these words? Only your Soul knows.
- Perhaps you wish to feel more free and live a more soul-aligned purpose and support others in liberating themselves as well?
- Perhaps the Element of Air is simply calling your heart at this moment in your journey?
- Perhaps you are already a facilitator, desiring to incorporate the element of Air, Spirit, Breathwork into your 1:1 or group therapy sessions/ceremonies/events/offerings?
- Perhaps you feel that something is calling you to expand further into your Purpose, Heart and Being?
- Perhaps you have yet to find out, why you ended up reading these words? You simply felt the calling and followed the Mystery?
The answer is part of your Mystery. Truth is, that most of us instinctively KNOW if we are called (or not) to a specific person, training, event, ceremony etc - if we listen and trust that internal voice. In all the trainings I have immersed myself, I simply felt/knew when I was called - and I was willing to overcome all obstacles to arrive there!
I have no desire to “convince” anyone to join this Breathwork Facilitator Training. It is an open invitation for those who resonate with the Energy of the Wayramama Universe. I trust you to listen to the calling of YOUR soul.
Taking a deep breath and perhaps take a sip of your tea before reading on…
The facilitators
Shikoba Sommer
Breathwork, Energy Work, Medicine Work
Shikoba is trained in several different healing modalities. She has deeply integrated the Element of Air, breath-journeys, Medicine work and Energy work for the past many years. She is deeply dedicated to supporting and guiding people into deep, inner transformational journeys and empowering anyone who crosses her path to awaken to, and explore, their own connection, devotion and love to themselves, the Earth & Spirit.
Puma Blanco
Sound Alchemy, Circling
Andreas is deeply committed to working with music and sound as medicine, and all the many modalities that can elicit their therapeutic properties and their ability to initiate the body's own healing mechanisms.
He is trained in sound therapy and work both 1-1 with clients, and with the facilitation of sound journeys and healing for larger groups.
Furthermore he is trained as a Circling facilitator and is at the moment pursuing a training in Circling Coaching.
Bodywork, Inner Child
Christian is a trained body therapist from the school ‘Totum’ and in addition he is trained in ‘Conscious Touch’ and De-armouring. Finally he has received a training from Engleskolen Denmark. and at the moment he is diving deep into the realm of Inner Child Work.
All of his educations affect how he treats – no two treatments are the same, as each person calls for a different approach.
Wayramama - Mother Spirit of Air
You may also feel the rapid quickening of your personal evolution as a powerful co-creator of your reality. The world is changing swiftly right now and at times it feels like it is moving in warp-speed – and so does our personal processes. Many feel a shift in their purpose, and an invitation to take a step further into self-authority. Listening to their Soul purpose
There is an intensity rising in the world that I’m sure you also feel and, with aligned action, we can greatly advance from this energy.
The element of Air is by far one of my most exceedingly transformational and important guides in this life alongside the master plant teachers – and in union and harmony they have weaved an even clearer path for me to follow during the last year:
The Return to & Restoration of Innocence. The return to our Soul purpose.
This process requires deep FOCUS & INTENTION.
In this training
We Welcome Wayramama
as our Ally & Guide
Wayramama /// Mother Spirit of Air
When Wayramama appears in our lives, we are being called to take direct action that will elicit an acute awareness of the natural order in our lives.
Wayramama leads us further into our Hero’s/Heroines Journey and closer to our connection to Soul & Spirit that holds the nectar of our own unique medicine - and a deep, inner sense of peace, fulfilment & freedom in our being.
Soaring on our wings on the winds of change to a higher perspective - in deeper reciprocity with this Earth.
What’s included?
3 in-person modules.
A 100-page manual (book of inspiration, I call it)
Access to an online video curriculum.
Teachings in the art of space-holding and facilitation of breathwork both for groups and 1:1.
Teachings on the physical, biological, and spiritual aspects of Breathwork.
Energy attunement.
Shadow work to integrate our shadows and purify our energy.
Accountability & support on how to overcome limiting beliefs and get your own offerings off to the best start.
Online group calls & online modules.
Access to a private online whatsapp group for support throughout the training.
Two 1-hour 1:1 mentor sessions with Shikoba during/after the training for support / motivation (valid until 31st of December 2025, as many previous participants mostly needed these calls after the training).
Dates, location & food
The dates for the three in-person immersions are: May 7th-11th // May 28th-June 1st // June 25th-29th.
We gather from around 9-18 everyday (it will vary a bit). There will be a lunch break and smaller breaks throughout the day.
The training takes places in Denmark (Sjælland), and no more than app. 1 hour drive from Copenhagen (we are still in the process of finding the most aligned location). If you live far away (or in another country), there is the possibility for either booking an airb’n’b, summer camping nearby, hotel/hostel - or perhaps a fellow traveller in this training will invite you into their guest room. There might be a possibility for accommodation/food being available at extra cost. If you desire this, please let us know and we will look into this.
The Path Of Remembrance
-the Winds of Innocence
The World, this Earth is deeply asking for more deeply devoted Heart-centered leaders, wayshowers, light-houses.
People ready to step into deeper authority of their own being, stepping further into self-mastery – no longer questioning their sovereign internal soul-guidance. People ready to step into service - whether grand or small - and to offer their authentic expression to this Earth. Weaving the Element of Air, Soul & Spirit deeper into their Journey.
Not asking what we can gain – but asking what we can offer.
My purpose has shapeshifted too in the last year.
All of it begins with each of us, following the calling towards that which Soul & Spirit is Whispering. The Element of Air - has been the gate-keeper to my Destiny unfolding - perhaps it is yours too?
The power rests in our Innocence - and my purpose has been re-directed into the Restoration & Return to Soul-Innocence. What this means - you will experience within the Wayramama Universe - opening its portal soon.
How’s your tea? Do you need a refill before reading further?
"This training has been so much more than “just a breathwork training”! It has been a deep journey into every corner of my being. It has been a reclaiming, a remembrance, an activation, and more than anything - a homecoming.
I have laughed, I have cried, I have been stretched beyond what I thought was possible. I have contracted and I have expanded infinitely. And this has continued far beyond the timeframe of this container.
This training has been what I had been waiting for, for years – literally. And it has been and done everything and more that I had dreamed of."
“I feel as if the Breathwork Facilitator Training, and all its modalities, was an invitation for a deep deep breath of purification - a remembrance of the portal into my heart center, and a further deepening of my trust and listening practice. For Shikoba and the heartfelt contributing team, as well as fellow participants, which all became structural pillars that enabled flow to bring forth gems already existing within - I am beyond grateful. I feel tremendous gratitude for all the tears, laughters, triggering experiences, and opportunities that served as invitations for me to accept and step into the vast powers of my core. Thank you for being sacred mirrors - then - now - and forever. “
Prev. participant
"Shikoba is such a mystery. And that is why I love her endlessly. Because I recognize this so deeply in myself. She is one of the mirrors that has confronted me the most in this life. Triggered me the hardest, but only because I have seen my full potential reflected in her. And it has empowered me beyond measure to face that mirror. I have never doubted that in every moment, she comes from unconditional love and unwavering faith and trust. That she truly sees me. There is no one I would trust more in taking me through such a training as this one. There is no doubt this training changed my life and that am beyond grateful that I have reconnected with Shikoba in this lifetime."
Structural Pillars & Keys to our Being
In my experience, there are certain structural pillars and keys to finding deeper internal/external success and a more solid sense of fulfilment.
We don’t have a purpose – We are a purpose.
We don’t have a calling – We are a calling.
A Clear Sense of Purpose & Authentic Expression is vital for our thriving. An important structural pillar and key is : Reciprocity.
Wayramama reminds us to enter right relationship with ourselves, our emotions, our minds, the elementals, each other, Soul, the Earth, Spirit – everything else around us - in sacred reciprocity.
It begins with self… always. Unraveling the threads of our shadows, and following the new golden threads that leads us closer and closer to the flickering flame of our Soul & Spirit. Tending to the spark of light within has never felt more important.
This requires focus, intention, determination, and sustained effort in order to lay a solid foundation for our dreams. Keeping our intentions, devotion, and energy consistent and deliberate. Allowing Soul & Spirit to be our Allies & Guides. Make no mistake, this path asks for your commitment - yet it will also pay you back 10-fold.
In this training we will embark on a deep journey into your own original blueprint, discovering the golden threads carrying the seeds of your co-created destiny, in union with Soul & Spirit, leading you back to remembrance of your Soul-purpose.
The Elements activate through and with each other - and therefore it is inevitable that the Earth, Fire & Water will arrive to support us in this journey as well. Yet, the Element of Air and connection to Soul & Spirit remains our Focus.

You Will Be A Co-Creator
The element of Air –guides us into faith in the great invisible Spirit moving through our precious vessels. Playing us like Wind Chimes, harmonizing the energy of all the spaces we enter. We will drink from the Golden Fountain of the Medicine of AIR and allow Soul & Spirit to be our ultimate guides on this journey.
There is far more wisdom in the Realm of Soul & Spirit, than what we can perceive with our minds – and these higher powers recognizes and loves you beyond measure. Breathe and receive.
Each of us have inspired dreams seamlessly sewn into the fabric of the Invisible world and there is a great Consciousness guiding us on our journey, providing insights that our ego mind might overlook.
This is the path into the awakening of Devotion.
You will be a co-creator of this Training & Frequency Shift. All of us will remain teachers and students, willing to learn through and with each other.
I guarantee no specific outcome. That will be solely up to you.
I can only take responsibiliy for myself and the ways in which I show up - and the same goes for you.
I will stand in deep solidarity with you as a sovereign being and creator. I will call out shadows. I might even lovingly, yet firmly trigger you and I will encourage you to cross a threshold.
Stepping into true service requires immense courage. Stepping into and revealing our innermost force, can feel intimidating – yet it is why we are here.
I stand as an activation point, deeply devoted to you and your truth! I am devoted to elevating and amplifying your powers, your impact, your prEssence. Your Medicine is needed - more than ever.
Welcome to Wayramama!
A Facilitator Training is naturally a higher investment than our other offerings. A lot of work goes into this Training. However, we have still managed to lower the exchange a bit since our previous facilitator training, due to less additional costs than previously. I personally earned back my investment from my own training within 6 months of creating Breathwork events and retreats. We also offer a small discount to those who have been part of “Om Mani Padme Hum”.
Early Bird until 23/3-2025:
DKK 36.000,-
Exchange after 23/3-2025:
DKK 39.000,-
(If you pay the full amount in one transfer – there is furthermore a 3% discount of either the 36.000,- until March 23rd or of the 39.000,- until April 24th. After April 24th the price remains dkk 39.000,-).
Payment plans are also available, so please get in touch, if you feel that will support you financially.
Together we will find out what is in alignment with the both of us (I am very flexible), however, last payment in a payment plan is preferably due October 1st, 2025)You claim your spot in the training with either a deposit of DKK 8.000,- (non-refundable unless other agreement) - or by transferring the full amount. Payments via card carries a fee of app. 1,5%. Reach out for Bank Transfer info (we do not have a Danish bank, so there will also be a fee for bank transfers if your account is Danish).
If you wish to join or have any questions, please fill out the form below or send an email to : Shikoba@yellowgalacticsun.com
The exchange for this training includes both online and in-person modules and all the above-mentioned.
The exchange does not include transfer to and from locations, accommodation, food, and/or any insurance.
If world circumstances prevents us from moving forward with this training, you can of course transfer your deposit/payment to postponed dates that will be announced if so.
If the training is cancelled all-together instead of postponed - you will of course receive a full refund.
Get in touch.
If you wish to sign up or have any questions regarding this training, please don't hesitate to reach out, and I will do my best to get bak to you as quickly as possible.