What is Circling - Interview with John Thompson of Circling Europe
In this in-depth talk, John Thompson, Co-Founder of Circling Europe, shares his thoughts on Circling and why he believes we need it in the world today.
The topics include:
- What it is and the origin of the practice
- How to do it
- Why we are drawn to it
- Vulnerability
- Developing yout highest (self) leadership
- What it means to be seen.
- The inherent healing potentials for the masculine and the feminine.
- Integration
Circling is a relational-technology based on numerous cutting-edge but simple practices and distinctions that support you in finding what is most true to you, communicating this powerfully and naturally, widening your perspectives and your ability to receive and stay open to others and nurturing a sense of deep personal and collective trust that is both relieving and generative.
It works within the often unseen fundamental ground of communication and relationship that underpins almost everything.
That's why we see such strong transformation and development through the practice, because a small change in the areas that most matter can lead to a profound unfolding of potential over time.
It originated from applying meditative awareness onto our connections with others. In the same way a microscope reveals a whole other level of reality, Circling can reveal a new way of being in relationship.
More info on www.circlingeurope.com